PEARLY WHITELesser Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Pearly sitting on a willow branch above his cage
Pearly playing on top of his large new cage
Pearly inside his large new cage
Lesser Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo Latin name: Cacatua sulphurea sulphurea
Family: Psittacidae
Origin: N&E Coastal Australia, New Guinea.
Description: Lesser sulphur crested Cockatoos are small, have yellow crests & cheek patches Ear coverts are deeper yellow. The sexes are similar but the iris of the male is black compared to brown in the female
Sexing: The males have darker eyes than females.
Trainability: Although not the best speakers, these birds can be taught to talk, whistle and learn tricks.
Loudness: Has a very loud call.
Typical Length: 12-14 Inches
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